
I'm Alexander Rahardjo. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! Take a second to peek around and check out some of my previous posts. Of course, I would love to find out what you think as well, so make sure to comment. See you around! And make sure that you have vote..Thanks

Movie now playing in theatre
Avatar (2009) || Sherlock Holmes (2009) || The Last Airbender (2010)

The Last Airbender (2010)
See full review

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
For you see in the end, it is between you and God.

- Mother Teresa



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After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancée and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler. Written by The Massie Twins


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Do you have trouble remembering passwords? Well, there's one thing you'll never be able to forget: your own face. The Lockface USB drive uses facial recognition to ensure that you and only you have access to your most precious files.

To set it up, you simply take several photos of your face. Then, when you sit down in front of your webcam, it'll be able to confirm that it's you with 98% accuracy. There's a password failsafe, but that's how you got into trouble in the first place. Just use your face.

Crunchgear via Gizmodo


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In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture. Written by Giorgio_C

When his brother is killed in battle, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" in order to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers intel for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora. Written by The Massie Twins


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~ Merry Christmas 2009 ~


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merupakan sebuah workshop yang diadakan HMTC-ITS untuk seluruh kalangan masyarakat dalam rangka mengenalkan blog. Pada kesempatan kali ini akan dibahas mengenai CMS yang telah terkenal yaitu wordpress dan teknik SEO.

Pembicara: Masbuchin (itgossips)
Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu 12 Desember 2009
Tempat: Lab Pemrograman Gedung Teknik Informatika ITS - Surabaya, Jl. Teknik Kimia 7
Biaya: Rp. 20,000,-
CP: Ahmad Yusuf (08155161596), Annisa (03170123507)

Apa itu blog?
Blog merupakan singkatan dari "web log" adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan (yang dimuat sebagai posting) pada sebuah halaman web umum. Tulisan-tulisan ini seringkali dimuat dalam urut terbalik (isi terbaru dahulu baru kemudian diikuti isi yang lebih lama), meskipun tidak selamanya demikian. Situs web seperti ini biasanya dapat diakses oleh semua pengguna internet sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan dari si pengguna blog tersebut.

Apa itu SEO?
SEO adalah serangkaian proses yang dilakukan secara sistematis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume dan kualitas trafik kunjungan melalui mesin pencari menuju situs web tertentu dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme kerja atau algoritma mesin pencari tersebut. Tujuan dari SEO adalah menempatkan sebuah situs web pada posisi teratas, atau setidaknya halaman pertama hasil pencarian berdasarkan kata kunci tertentu yang ditargetkan. Secara logis, situs web yang menempati posisi teratas pada hasil pencarian memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk mendapatkan pengunjung.

Disadur dari wikipedia


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The filmmaking trio behind the hit sci-fi sequel Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines re-team to explore a future in which humans live in isolation while only communicating with their fellow man through robots that serve as social surrogates and are better-looking versions of their human counterparts. Bruce Willis stars as an FBI agent who enlists the aid of his own surrogate to investigate the murder of the genius college student who invented the surrogates. As the case grows more complicated, however, the withdrawn detective discovers that in order to actually catch the killer he will have to venture outside the safety of his own home for the first time in many years, and enlists the aid of another agent (Radha Mitchell) in tracking his target down. Jonathan Mostow directs co-screenwriters Michael Ferris and John Brancato's adaptation of the graphic novel by author Robert Venditti and illustrator Brett Weldele.

In the near future, humans live in isolation and only interact through robotic bodies that serve as surrogates. When several humans are murdered when their surrogates are destroyed, a cop (Bruce Willis) investigates the crimes through his own surrogate. After a near fatal encounter, the cop's surrogate is destroyed and forces him to bring his human form out of isolation and unravel a conspiracy behind the crimes.

adopted from: http://www.imdb.com


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by: The Phantom

Masih pantaskah kita bersama lagi
Seperti dahulu engkau memelukku
Apakah masih ada hatimu untukku
Sedikit tentangku mewarnai hidupmu

Kini ku mau kembali padamu
Berat aku langkahkan kakiku

Adakah kesempatan untuk diriku
Menjadi kekasihmu lagi
Tak akan aku ingkari

Masih pantaskah kita bersama lagi
Seperti dahulu engkau memelukku
Kini ku mau kembali padamu
Berat aku langkahkan kakiku

Back to Reff 4x

Pantaskah aku..
Pantaskah aku..

Download this sample song*

*Pay for the original one


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~ Ku Ingin Kau Tahu ~

by: Adrian Martadinata

Selama aku pergi
Ku akan mengingatmu
Tak hanya sementara
Selalu dan selalu kurindukan
Senyummu untukku di sini

Reff 1:
Ku ingin kau tahu
Meski pun ku jauh
Ku ada di hatimu
Ku ingin kau tahu
Meski pun kau jauh
Kau tetap milikku

Ku bernyanyi untukmu
Untukmu yang kurindukan
Tetaplah setia menungguku
'Kan kembali

Reff 2:
Ku ingin kau tahu
Meski pun ku jauh
Kau ada di hatiku
Ku ingin kau tahu
Meski pun kau jauh
Kau tetap milikku

Download this sample song*

*Pay for the original one


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~ Ajari Aku ~

by: Adrian Martadinata

Ajari aku 'tuk bisa
Menjadi yang engkau cinta
Agar ku bisa memiliki rasa
Yang luar biasa untukku dan untukmu

Ku harap engkau mengerti
Akan semua yang ku pinta
Karena kau cahaya hidupku, malamku
'tuk terangi jalan ku yang berliku

Hanya engkau yang bisa
Hanya engkau yang tahu
Hanya engkau yang mengerti, semua inginku

[ajari aku 'tuk bisa mencintaimu]
[ajari aku 'tuk bisa mengerti kamu]

Mungkinkah semua akan terjadi pada diriku
Hanya engkau yang tahu
Ajari aku 'tuk bisa mencintaimu

Download this sample song*

*Pay for the original one


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- Miss Universe 2009 -

The Miss Universe 2009 Pageant took place in the Bahamas Sunday night. For the second year in a row, Miss Venezuela was named Miss Universe 2009.

Stefania Fernandez won the title, beating out runner up Miss Dominican Republic 2009, Ada Aimee de la Cruz. Fernandez had the crown handed to her by last year's Miss Universe, Dayana Mendoza.

Here are Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez photos.

Here are the top five Miss Universe finalists for 2009:

Miss Venezuela Stefania Fernandez

Miss Dominican Republican 2009 Ada Aimee de la Cruz

Miss Kosovo 2009, Droga Ganusha

Miss Australia 2009, Rachael Finch

Miss Puerto Rico 2009, Mayra Matos Perez

Here are the Miss Universe 2009 Top 15 in no particular order:

-Miss Puerto Rico
-Miss Iceland
-Miss Albania
- Miss Czech Republic
- Miss Belgium
-Miss Dominican Republic
-Miss Sweden
-Miss Kosovo
-Miss Australia
-Miss France
-Miss Switzerland
-Miss South Africa
-Miss USA
-Miss Croatia
-Miss Venezuela


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Apa itu NST

Dalam penyelenggaran National Seminar of Technology (NST) kali ini mengangkat tema “Save Our World with Green Computing”. Kami akan memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat bagaimana cara peduli pada lingkungan hidup dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi .

National Seminar of Technology ini akan menghadirkan pembicara – pembicara yang memang sudah matang di bidangnya. Romi Satrio Wahono, seorang praktisi yang sudah matang di bidangnya, penulis buku dan blog IT, pendiri IlmuKomputer.com dan seorang peneliti di LIPI, Priyanto, Praktisi IT yang matang di bidangnya, Team Leader of ICT competency Standart for Teachers di Microsoft, Head of Research and Development Division di ICT Center UNY Yogyakarta dan aktif menulis blog, dan tim – tim developer yang sudah menerapkan teknologi green komputing di produknya. Dalam seminar ini juga kami menyediakan demo sederhana yang langsung akan diperagakan oleh pembicara, sehingga materi yang disampaikan lebih menarik.


  1. Romi Satrio Wahono
    Praktisi IT yang sudah matang di bidangnya, penulis buku dan blog IT, pendiri IlmuKomputer.com dan seorang peneliti di LIPI.
  2. Priyanto
    Praktisi IT yang matang di bidangnya, Team Leader of ICT competency Standart for Teachers di Microsoft, Head of Research and Development Division di ICT Center UNY Yogyakarta dan aktif menulis blog.
  3. HP (Hewlett-Packard) / Perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan green komputing


National Seminar of Technology di laksanakan pada :

  • Hari/Tanggal : Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009
  • Pukul : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
  • Tempat : Gedung Teknik Informatika lt. 2 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November JL. Raya ITS, Sukolilo Surabaya


  • Seminar kit
  • Coffe Break
  • Lunch
  • CD Materi
  • Sertifikat Ekslusif
  • Demo langsung oleh pembicara


Pendaftaran dibuka mulai hari Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 70.000,- (mahasiswa) dan Rp. 100.000,- (umum)

Sekretariat Himpunan Mahasiswa
Teknik Computer-Informatika (HMTC)JL. Raya ITS, Sukolilo
Gedung Teknik Informatika Lt.3/ Lt.1
ITS Surabaya.

Pendaftaran juga dapat dilakukan secara online melalui website ini.

Contact Person

Wiryanto : 08123187887


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Apa itu Green Computing

Green Computing adalah perilaku menggunakan sumber daya komputasi secara efisien, dengan cara memaksimalkan efisiensi energi, memperpanjang masa pakai perangkat keras, meminimalkan penggunaan kertas, dan beberapa hal teknis lainnya (Priyanto).

Dengan perkembangan TI(Teknologi Informasi) yang begitu cepat, penggunaan produk-produk TI pun juga meningkat. Dalam menggunakan produk TI baik software maupun hardware, sangat disarankan bagi seluruh pihak pelaku TI untuk memegang prinsip 3BL (triple bottom line) yang terdiri dari planet (lingkungan), people (manusia) dan profit (manfaat) .

Konsep Green Computing menawarkan bagaimana cara peduli pada lingkungan hidup dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi.

Tips Green Computing Untuk Ruang Kantor Anda

  • Hematlah kertas. Print di dua sisi kertas, membaca di PDF, menggunakan fasilitas scanner sebagai ganti fotokopi, atau memakai fasilitas e-mail sebagai ganti surat dan tanda bukti. Untuk memudahkan membaca di browser tanpa melihat elemen-elemen yang tidak diinginkan, Anda dapat menggunakan Firefox dengan add-ons Aardvark.
  • Matikan komputer ketika tidak dipakai. Jangan khawatir, komputer didesain untuk dapat menerima shut down sebanyak ratusan ribu kali di masa hidupnya. Jika Anda meninggalkan komputer sambil mendownload, pakai piranti lunak yang memiliki kemampuan auto shutdown on finish.
  • Nyalakan power management (sleep mode) untuk mengistirahatkan komputer dalam jangka waktu yang lebih singkat, bahkan lebih baik lagi jika Anda memakai fitur hibernate. Jika Anda butuh mengakses komputer dari tempat lain, Anda dapat menggunakan fasilitas Wake on LAN agar komputer bangun dengan akses dari komputer lain dalam jaringan yang sama.
  • Screensaver tidak menghemat energi. Pada monitor zaman dahulu screensaver dapat menjaga keawetan monitor, tapi monitor jenis itu sudah tidak ada lagi dan screensaver berganti fungsi menjadi hiasan.
  • Donasikan komputer yang hendak dibuang, pakai program khusus untuk menghapus bersih data-data rahasia.
  • Beberapa komponen seperti keyboard dan mouse sebaiknya dipakai kembali di komputer baru.
  • Perangkat keras yang memakai AC Adapter, biasanya tidak benar-benar berhenti bekerja walau telah dimatikan. Untuk mematikan perangkat tersebut bisa dengan mencabut kabelnya, memakai stop kontak yang memiliki tombol on off, ataupun dengan bantuan gadget seperti PowerMinder.


1. Green Computing on PC

  • Laptop hanya memerlukan 10% energi yang digunakan Desktop. Flat screen hanya menggunakan 30% energi yang digunakan oleh Monitor CRT
  • Coba upgrade RAM, sebelum memutuskan ganti komputer. Komputer lambat bisa karena kotornya registry atau ada background services yang berjalan padahal sebenarnya tidak kita perlukan. Cek dan matikan services yang sedang berjalan padahal tidak perlu itu. Misalnya untuk Windows jalankan Start > Run > type “msconfig”
  • Menggunakan PC dan printer dengan merk dan jenis sama memudahkan kanibalisme dan proses recycle
  • Matikan komputer ketika tidak digunakan (malam hari). Mematikan komputer akan mengurangi umur komputer adalah mitos yang salah
  • Screen saver is not energy saver. Pilih matikan monitor daripada menggunakan screen saver
  • Pilih virtualisasi daripada pembelian hardware baru (hemat 70% energi)
  • Pilih peripheral berlogo energy star
  • Catat bahwa mode power menentukan prosentase hemat energi (Sleep mode – hemat 70% energi, Standby mode – hemat 90% energi, Hibernate mode – hemat 98% energi)
  • Jangan cepat membuang PC, lakukan recycle atau donasi ke pihak lain apabila sudah tidak digunakan

2. Green Computing on Laptop

  • Gunakan power saving setting
  • Kurangi penggunaan backlight
  • Atur layar dan harddisk sleep/off setelah beberapa menit tanpa penggunaan
  • Matikan bluetooth dan wifi ketika tidak digunakan
  • Lepas kartu MMC, SD, USB Flash apabila tidak digunakan
  • Kecilkan volume suara dan kontras layar
  • Minimalisir penggunaan IrDA (infrared) atau serial communication, karena boros energi
  • Upgrade RAM sebelum ganti laptop
  • Jangan cepat membuang Laptop, lakukan recycle atau donasi ke pihak lain apabila sudah tidak digunakan

3. Green Computing on Paperless Method

Usahakan menggunakan paperless method untuk berbagai urusan kita karena itu mengurangi sampah carbon footprint. Apabila memungkinkan kembangkan dan terapkan Document Management System, Electronic Invoicing dan Electronic Business Process pada institusi kita.

4. Green Computing on Paperless Education

  • Hindari kertas, gunakan file elektronik or blog untuk pengumpulan laporan dan tugas
  • Lupakan cara konvensional, gunakan eLearning System untuk penyebaran modul ajar, forum diskusi dan assesment
  • Gunakan Chatting dan Social Networking untuk mendukung pembelajaran. Ingat bahwa chatting untuk pacaran or godain orang, are not Green Computing!

5. Green Computing on Paperless Branding and Marketing

  • Lupakan kartu nama, CV, koran dan majalah untuk personal branding
  • Lakukan blogging untuk personal branding, marketing, bisnis bahkan influencing people
  • Manfaatkan google sebagai kurir dan salesman kita dalam marketing dan branding


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~Bernafas Tanpamu~

by: Lyla

Mungkin kau bertanya-tanya
Arti perhatianku terhadapmu
Pasti kau menerka-nerka
Apa yang tersirat dalam gerakku

Akulah serpihan kisah masa lalumu
Yang sekedar ingin tahu keadaanmu

Tak pernah aku bermaksud mengusikmu
Mengganggu setiap ketentraman hidupmu
Hanya tak mudah bagiku lupakanmu
Dan pergi menjauh

Beri sedikit waktu
Agar ku terbiasa
Bernafas tanpamu oooohhh

Hoo hooo… 2x

Teruntuk dirimu

Back to Reff:

Download this sample song*

*Pay for the original one


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~Jika Cinta Dia~

by: Geisha

Terlampau sering kau buat air mataku
Tak pernah kau tahu dalamnya rasa cintaku
Tak banyak inginku jangan kau ulangi
Menyakiti aku sesuka kelakuanmu
Ku bukan manusia yang tidak berfikir
Berulang kali kau lakukan itu padaku

Jika cinta dia jujurlah padaku
Tinggalkan aku disini tanpa senyumanmu
Jika cinta dia ku coba mengerti

Teramat sering kau membuat patah hatiku
Kau datang padanya tak pernah kutahu
Kau tinggalkan aku disaat ku butuh kan mu
Cinta tak begini selama ku tahu
Tetapi ku lemah karena cintaku padamu

Jika cinta dia jujurlah padaku
Tinggalkan aku disini tanpa senyumanmu
Jika cinta dia ku coba mengerti
Mungkin kau bukan cinta sejati dihidupku

Back to * 2x

Download this sample song*

*Pay for the original one


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G.I. Joe (2009) movie

Directed by:

Stephen Sommers


The movie will be a modern telling of the "G.I. Joe vs. Cobra" storyline and its compelling characters that Hasbro created 25 years ago. The premise of this fantasy is the story of the G.I. Joe team, led by Duke, and their "fight for freedom wherever there is trouble" against the evil Cobra Commander and his Cobra force. This storyline was an instant hit with kids in the early 1980s, spawning a highly popular 3-3/4-inch action figure line, comic book collection and animated series. The G.I. Joe team will not be based in Brussels. Instead, they will be based out of the "Pit" as they were throughout the 1980s comic book series. And, in keeping with the G.I. Joe vs. Cobra fantasy, the movie will feature characters and locations from around the world. Duke, the lead character and head of the G.I. Joe team, will embody the values of bravery and heroism that the first generation of G.I. Joe figures established.
(from comicgsoon.net)

Channing Tatum … Duke
Sienna Miller … The Baroness
Joseph Gordon...Levitt … Cobra Commander
Dennis Quaid … General Hawk
Rachel Nichols … Shana 'Scarlett' O'Hara
Christopher Eccleston … Destro
Adewale Akinnuoye...Agbaje … Heavy Duty
Ray Park … Snake Eyes
Marlon Wayans … Ripcord
Arnold Vosloo … Zartan
Jonathan Pryce … U.S. President
Saïd Taghmaoui … Breaker
Byung...hun Lee … Storm Shadow

Heavy Duty

The Baroness
Cobra Commander


Release Date:
7 August 2009


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Salah satu perangkat untuk mengukur kemajuan perguruan tinggi melalui Website adalah Webometric. Sebagai alat ukur (Webomatric) sudah mendapat pengakuan dunia termasuk di Indonesia (sekalipun masih ada yang meragukan tingkat validitasnya). Peringkat Webometric pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2004 oleh Laboratorium Cybermetric milik The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC). CSIC merupakan lembaga penelitian terbesar di Spanyol. Secara periodik peringkat Webometric akan diterbitkan setiap 6 bulan sekali pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Peringkat ini mencakup lebih dari 16.000 lembaga pendidikan tinggi di seluruh dunia yang terdaftar dalam direktori. Saya hadirkan 10 peringkat teratas di Indonesia di sini atau Peringkat perguruan tinggi Indonesia versi Webometric Juni 2009 secara keseluruhan dapat dengan mudah dilihat di sini




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The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron's dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.


Posted in Label: 1 komentar Diposting oleh Alexander Rahardjo  

The story begins with Goku, who seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku's quest is to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before Piccolo does.


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Merayakan Valentine setiap tahun memang sudah jadi kebiasaan semua orang di dunia. Tapi apakah mereka yang merayakan mengetahui seluk beluk dari Valentine's Day...
What's Valentine's Day?? Do you know it??
Don't worry... Mari kita lihat bersama, apa sih Valentine's day itu...^_^
Click here


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Remote Desktop Windows XP SP3 Expired

There is a problem on windows XP SP3, if you try that remote desktop connection may be this window was appeared

If you get this problem same as me, so I'll give you the solution to solve this problem:
1. Copy
mstsc.exe and mstscax.dll from PC which installed windows XP2 from C:\windows\system32
2. Restart your computer and boot as save mode
3. Paste that 2 files into C:\windows\system32 in your computer that installed windows XP SP3
4. Restart your computer and boot normally
5. Then you can use remote desktop connection SP2 on your windows XP SP3

This solution I think is better than we must download that remote desktop connection SP3
Let's try! :D


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How to Turn Your XP Laptop into a Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot

That's real and I've try it, so let's check it out:

1. To start setting up your mobile hotspot, click on Start and go to the Control Panel. Double-click “Network Connections.
2. Right-click your wireless connection and chose Properties. Then click Wireless tab
3. Network Connections Properties dialog, click the box that says, “Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings.” Then at the bottom of the dialog window, click the “Add” button to start creating your mobile hotspot.
4. Enter a name for your network, select “Open” under Network Authentication. Then, under Data Encryption, select “WEP.” Then enter desired password under “Network key” and confirm it in the next field. If you are unable to enter a password, un-check “The key is provided for me automatically” and the password key fields should open. Then check “This is a computer-to-computer (ad-hoc) network; wireless access points are not used.” Then click OK to create your hotspot.

WEP stands for “Wired Equivalent Privacy.” It is not strong encryption, and it is easily defeated. Why do we suggest it? Because it works with a wide variety of devices - older laptops and handhelds - and because it can use a five-character password. The password may be referred to as “40-bit ASCII” on some devices. (Palm OS devices will want to want to know that.) Note also that ad-hoc networks are intended to be networks of convenience, or temporary. If you have a more permanent need to share an Internet connection, it would be better to purchase a Wi-Fi router.

Your new network will now appear under “Preferred Networks.”

5. Then in window Wireless Network Connection the new connection which is ready to connect

6. Then if you have connected to the internet via LAN so make the Network Bridge by click on Local Area Connection and Wireless Network Connection using CTRL then right click then choose "Bridge Connection".

7. So you can connect your other device such as cellphone to your notebook/laptop. Have fun :D


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Beberapa hari yang lalu PC saya di teror oleh virus bernama "Virus Shortcut" adapun ciri -ciri dari virus tersebut adalah:

1. Setelah menginfeksi komputer, dia akan membuat file induk database.mdb di My Documents

2. Virus tersebut akan membuat file autorun.inf di setiap drive harddisk, flash disk, dan folder tanpa kecuali

3. Dia akan membuat file Thumb.db (hati-hati, perhatikan bahwa file ini tanpa huruf s sedangkan thumbnail cache yang asli di komputer memiliki tambahan huruf s alias thumbs.db) di setiap folder

4. Untuk memancing korban, dia akan membuat file Microsoft.lnk dan New Harry Potter and….lnk di setiap folder yang jika dieksekusi akan langsung mengaktifkan virus tersebut.

5. Seperti halnya virus-virus lokal lainnya, dia akan membuat duplikat setiap folder namun kali ini bukan dengan ekstensi .exe melainkan extensi .ink alias shortcut.

6. Pada task manager terdapat proses services wscript.exe yang sedang berjalan. Dalam kondisi normal, tidak ada proses seperti ini.

Setelah dicoba berbagai cara akhirnya menemukan artikel yang membahas hal ini, adapun cara membasmi virus tersebut:

Langkah - Langkah pembasmian:

1. Matikan System Restore. Sejak dulu saya selalu mematikan system restore segera setelah proses instalasi windows. Untuk keperluan backup dan imaging system, saya lebih memilih menggunakan third party seperti acronis ataupun Norton Ghost.

2. Matikan proses virus wsrcipt.exe (C:\WINDOWS\System32\wscript.exe)
Bisa menggunakan Process Explorer atau misc. tool pada HijackThis..

3. Hapus file virus database.mdb di My Documents..

4. Hapus file duplikat virus..

Untuk proses penghapusan, anda bisa menggunakan fasilitas search pada Windows.. Pada “More advanced options”, pastikan option “Search system folders” dan “Search hidden files and folders” keduanya telah dicentang.

Search file dengan nama autorun.inf ukurannya 1 KB
Search file dengan nama Thumb.db ukurannya 8 KB
Search file dengan ekstensi .lnk.lnk ukurannya 1 KB
Hapus semua file yang ditemukan..

5. Hapus registry Autorun yang dibuat virus dengan menggunakan HijackThis..
Cari di bagian HKCU\..\Run: yang berhubungan dengan file database.mdb

Demikian proses pembasmian secara manual

Pembasmian secara otomatis bisa anda dapatkan dengan installasi software antivirus dengan update terbaru, seperti kaspersky


Posted in Label: , 0 komentar Diposting oleh Alexander Rahardjo  

Yahoo! Inc kini memiliki CEO baru, yakni Carol Bartz yang menggantikan CEO sebelumnya, Jerry Yang. Financialpost.com melaporkan, penunjukan perempuan berusia 60 tahun ini diharapkan dapat membuat Microsoft kembali melirik Yahoo! setelah pada pertengahan thn 2008, Jerry Yang menolak tawaran sebesar US$47,5 milliar dr microsoft.

Pada kepemimpinan sebelum Bart, terlihat bahwa Yahoo! tdk benar2 sehat & terkesan tdk menentu. Bartz berasal dari perusahaan Autodesk Inc, sebuah perusahaan pembuat piranti lunak arsitektur Autocad. Bartz merupakan CEO di perusahaan itu dari 1992 hingga 2006. Dari Autodesk, Bartz pindah menjadi pimpinan eksekutif sebuah perusahaan di San Rafael, California, dgn bayaran US$500.000 (±Rp5,5milliar/bln) sebelum Yahoo! meliriknya.

Lirikan terhadap Bartz tampaknya bukan main2. Untuk membuat Bartz pindah ke Yahoo!, diberikanlah paket kompensasi senilai US$19 juta (±Rp209 milliar) di samping bonus2 lain. Sebagai gantinya, Bartz diminta memperkuat Yahoo! khususnya diberbagai kerja sama antar perusahaan termasuk thd Microsoft Corp.

Untuk tugas pokok itulah Bartz digaji US$1 juta (±Rp11 milliar/bln), belum termasuk bonus tahunan yg totalnya mencapai US$10 juta (±Rp111 milliar).

Sumber : Media Indonesia (Senin, 2 Februari) 2009.


Posted in Label: 0 komentar Diposting oleh Alexander Rahardjo  


Facebook is the second largest social network on the web, behind only MySpace in terms of traffic. Primarily focused on high school to college students, Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, they’ve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U.S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow. A growing phenomenon, let’s discover Facebook.

The Facebook Phenomenon

First, let’s start by looking into Facebook in a broad spectrum - as the network, the phenomenon, the company, and its brand.


Originally called thefacebook, Facebook was founded by former-Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received. Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed.

Before he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard-students - Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes - to help him grow the site to the next level. Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain facebook.com was purchased for a reported $200,000.


Unlike its competitors MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, hi5, Bebo, and others, Facebook isn’t available to everyone — which explains its relatively low user count. Currently, users must be members of one of the 30,000+ recognized schools, colleges, universities, organizations, and companies within the U.S, Canada, and other English-speaking nations. This generally involves having a valid e-mail ID with the associated institution.

Surveys & Studies

A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted around Facebook - some with interesting results. For instance, according to an internal September 2005 survey, approximately 85% of the students in the supported colleges had a Facebook account, with 60% of them logging in daily. A survey conducted by Student Monitor revealed Facebook was the most “in” thing after the iPod and tying with beer, and comScore Media Metrix discovered users spend approximately 20 minutes everyday on Facebook. Another 2005 survey said 90% of all undergraduates in the U.S. use either Facebook or MySpace regularly, and a detailed questionnaire analysis by Chris Roberts revealed that 76.2% never click on its ads. Perhaps the most amazing statistic of all may be that Facebook is the 7th most trafficked site in the U.S.

    Hey Facebook Users!

    My Facebook account is HERE - feel free to add Alexander Rahardjo to your friends if you sign up, or you’re already a member.

Business & Funding

Given the situation other social networks on the web are facing, Facebook is in a good position financially. While it hasn’t managed to get acquired like its rival MySpace (despite some rumors about an $800m deal with Viacom), it’s been quite lucky in most aspects. For its initial funding, it received $500,000 from Peter Theil, co-founder of PayPal. A few months later, it was also able to get $13 million from Accel Partners, who are also investors in 15 other Web 2.0 startups, and $25 million from Greylock Partners, making their overall venture equal to approximately $40 million.

For users, Facebook’s core service is completely free and ad-supported. In fact, in August 2006 Facebook signed a three year deal with Microsoft to provide and sell ads on their site in return for a revenue split. The deal followed an announcement from Facebook’s direct competitor MySpace who signed a similar deal with Google. The youthful demographic that both the services attract is highly prized amongst advertisers and should return a good amount of revenue for both the services to stay alive - and profit. Another deal which made news in July was Facebook’s agreement with Apple to give away 10 million free iTunes samplers to Facebook users. A deal has also been signed to provide Facebook credit cards.

Lawsuits & Concerns

In its early days, Facebook faced an extremely threatening lawsuit from ConnectU, a very similar social network which - like Facebook - shares its roots back to Harvard, and as a result almost got shutdown. The founders of ConnectU alleged that Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg stole source code while he was in their employment. Zuckerberg denied the allegation and the lawsuit was dismissed.

Facebook has also been host to other issues and concerns, especially in the privacy sector where its privacy policy states “Facebook also collects information about you from other sources, such as newspapers and instant messaging services. This information is gathered regardless of your use of the Web Site.” Another theory is that Facebook could also be a data-gathering project or if not, used extensively for these purposes. Facebook’s policy also states that it “may share your information with third parties, including responsible companies with which we have a relationship.”

The Service

Now, let’s look into Facebook - the service itself, and some of its features, highlights, and the things that got Facebook where it is today.

Facebook Profiles

As Facebook has evolved, so have its profile pages - new fields have been added and users can share more information than before.

A typical Facebook profile consists of a number of different sections, including Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Most of the sections are self-explanatory but some are specific to Facebook.

Facebook Photos

With over 1.5 million photos uploaded daily, one of Facebook’s most popular features has been the ability to upload photos. Users can upload unlimited photos from their cell phone or through its Java-based web interface. Facebook is one of the few services to offer an unlimited quota with their only restriction being a 60-photos-per-album limit - this is much appreciated by Facebook’s college demographic.

The process of uploading photos is very simple. Users create albums which they can assign limitations to (e.g. visible to my friends only) and upload photos within them. The album is then put into their profile, and other users with right credentials have the ability to see and comment on them. Facebook also gives the feature to share the photos with a simple web link or send them via AIM or by e-mail. What’s more, users can also order prints online through a simple integrated interface.

Facebook Groups

Just like every other social network, Facebook has something called ‘groups.’ Users can create new ones or join and participate in existing ones. This is also displayed in their profile and is a good indication of hobbies and interests a person might have.

There are two kind of groups, a normal group and a secret group, which isn’t shown on the profile. A normal group is just like any other, but users can also create and invite others into secret groups. These can be used for collaborating on university projects, and provide a way to have closed discussions. About 80% of the groups are ‘fun-related’ and companies can even sponsor groups - as is the case with, for example, the Apple users group.

Facebook Events

Another Facebook success is their ‘events’ feature, which provides the ability to organize, be part of, and plan for events. This feature has been extremely successful when it comes to organizing parties.

Along with organizing and joining events, users can also invite and recommend others to an event. This feature, however, has raised some controversy as it is generally the start of underage drinking and dry campus violations. Colleges and universities use the feature to catch planning of such events before hand and investigate those that are over. In any case, it’s one of the most popular features of the service and even beats some of the competing products made specifically for this purpose.

Facebook Developers

As of August 2006, Facebook has offered a free Developers API called Facebook Developers. This essentially gives anyone access to Facebook’s internals and lets programmers create widgets, mashups, tools and projects based around Facebook.

This is an important feature for Facebook since it makes it the first major social network to give access to its API. Although it is limited to 100,000 requests a day, it’s more than enough for a decent web app to come through. What’s more, a selection of applications have already been created. FaceBank is a promising tool which lets you ‘keep track of depts and shared expenses with friends.’ Another interesting application is lickuacious which lets you ‘rank your friends by wall popularity.’ The Wall, of course, is Facebook’s comments feature.

Facebook Notes

Facebook’s most recent addition launched in late August. The service is called Facebook Notes, and allows users to write a Facebook blog. All notes are displayed in the user’s profile, and other members can add comments.

Notes possesses an important feature, which is the ability to import and syndicate an external blog, although unlike Technorati, doesn’t allow you to claim one only to yourself (e.g. it’s possible to claim the New York Times syndication feed easily in one’s Notes). The service allows HTML to be included in the posts, although JavaScript and Flash are disabled. You can attach photos and also post via cell phone by sending your notes to notes@facebook.com. Another interesting feature is tagging - tagging a post with a username will automatically send it to that specific user. The Notes feature has been well received.

The Future

Facebook is a massively successful social networking service that grew to prominence in virtually no time. It’s not hard to see why: its features and tools are highly appealing, and Facebook users are extremely well networked in real life. Rumors of an acquisition continue to circulate, with some estimates putting the price in the billions of dollars. In the short term, however, Facebook plans to go it alone, continuing to build out one of the world’s most successful social networks.

Source: mashable.com


Posted in Label: , 3 komentar Diposting oleh Alexander Rahardjo  


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